FLORETINA and ICOOR Joint Meeting 2021
Floretina and ICOOR (International Congress on OCT and OCT Angiography) joint meeting took place in Rome the 17th and the 18th of December 2021. After two long years of stop due to the pandemic, the meeting was held in presence allowing experts in retina to share their clinical and surgical experiences, following a rich scientific programme.
Fluid monitoring at home
Prof. Anat Loewenstein, MD, MHA, Professor of Ophthalmology, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the Sackler Faculty of Medicine at the Tel Aviv University (Israel), speaks about her presentation about fluid monitoring with home OCT.
Samsara Vision’s Telescope Implant for Macular Degeneration
Dr. Albert Augustin, MD, Head of the Ophthalmology Department of the Klinikum Karlsruhe (Germany), summarises his presentation about telescope implants for patients at a late stage of macular degeneration.
Long-term visual outcomes in DME patients treated with anti-VEGF
Prof. Francesco Bandello, MD, FEBO, Professor and Chairman Department of Ophthalmology, University Vita-Salute, Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan (ITaly) speaks about his presentation at Floretina/ICOOR about long-term visual outcomes of anti-VEGF treatments in DME patients.
Advancements in multi-modal imaging
Prof. Jean-François Korobelnik, MD, PhD, Professor of Ophthalmology at the University Hospital of Bordeaux (France) speaks about his presentation about the progress in multi-modal imaging in the field of retina.
Subfoveal hemorrhage during wet AMD
Prof. Paolo Lanzetta, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Udine and Scientific Director of IEMO Udine (Italy), summarises his presentation about subfoveal hemorrhage during wea age-related macular degeneration.
Genetics in modern ophthalmology
Prof. Bruno Lumbroso, MD, from the Centro Oftalmologico Mediterraneo in Rome (Italy), gives some highlights of the Floretina and ICOOR joint meeting 2021 and speaks about genetics in the field of modern ophthalmology.
Correct management of DME: some clinical cases
Prof. Marco Lupidi, MD, PhD, from the Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona (Italy) speaks about the clinical cases he presented at Floretina/ICOOR 2021 meeting on the correct management of DME.
Durability that works: proactive, extended dosing in wAMD
Dr. Lisa Toto, MD, PhD, from the University G. D’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara (Italy) speaks about her presentation about a proactive and extended dosing in wet age-related macular degeneration.
The current of the future status of artificial intelligence in retina
Prof. Ursula Schmidt-Erfhurt, from the University Eye Hospital in Vienna (Austria), gives pearls about the current and the future status of artificial intelligence in the field of retina.